LabWest Minerals Analysis Pty Ltd (LabWest) was established in late 2008 to meet a need in the Western Australian market for a low detection greenfields minerals exploration facility. It was started by a small group of investors, most of whom are employees of the company.
Initially founded to service the Western Australian exploration market, LabWest now provides geochemical services to all areas of the globe, and is certified to receive samples from outside Australia.
LabWest provides ultra-low detection limit (DL) analysis, achievable in our clean laboratory, which has been specifically designed to prevent cross contamination. Our exclusive use of microwave digestion, coupled with our multi-quad inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, means we are able to achieve detection limits down to parts per trillion level for some sample types. This allows us to offer Bio-geochemistry as a non-invasive exploration tool, and provide unique elements on UltraFine clay fraction.
LabWest has partnered with CSIRO in the commercialisation of the UltraFine+ TM technique. Separation and analysis of the 2 micron fraction, along with microwave digestion technology and low DL ICP-MS, has made UltraFine the exploration assay of choice for over 150 companies.
LabWest has introduced high purity testing (99.999%), shipping certification, and metallurgical process assays into our portfolio of services, through our dedicated R&D department.

LabWest was acquired by the Phenna Group in 2023. Phenna is a global provider of testing, certification and compliance services, based in the UK. LabWest continues to be managed and operated locally by the founding partners, with personalised service for each of our customers.
LabWest is NATA accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 standard, and participates in the annual Oreas and GeoStats round robin.

Senior Staff & Management

Brad Whisson
Managing Director
Having worked for a range of major mining and laboratory organisations over the past 35 years and established and/or managed 10 analytical laboratories across 5 countries, Brad has wide-ranging experience in provision of minerals analysis services. Brad holds a BSc in Chemistry (UWA) and MBA (La Trobe), and is a Member of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, the Association of Applied Geochemists and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.

Blake Stacey
Business Development Manager
Blake is an experienced manager and Materials Engineer with over 30 years’ technical experience in manufacturing and innovation for new products and processes, and in business development. Blake has worked throughout Australia and overseas, developing products, commissioning machinery, and consulting in manufacturing. With a degree in Ceramic Engineering (UNSW) , a Dip Ed (Physics and Chemistry), and Graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors, Blake has a unique set of skills and training that is well suited to his role in the LabWest team.

Andrew Daly
Principal Scientist
Andrew has held senior roles with major laboratory organisations in Australia over the past 23 years, and has undertaken laboratory development projects around the country. Holding a BSc in Chemistry (Adelaide) and Diploma of Business Management (Mt Eliza), he is a specialist in instrumental analysis, particularly ICP-OES and ICP-MS, and a Member of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. As LabWest's Principal Scientist, Andrew directs the laboratory's R&D programs, method development and quality systems improvement.

Robyn Whisson
Administration Supervisor
Robyn started work at LabWest in 2011 as a lab assistant. She now leads the administration team and assists with all aspects of reporting, and sample receipt through to sample return.

Ben Grebla
Laboratory Analysis Manager
Ben started work at LabWest in 2024 as a Laboratory Analysis Manager. He has 17 years of experience in an agricultural lab environment and has a BSc (Applied Chemistry). Ben is a specialist in ICP-MS and ICP-OES and oversees all aspects of laboratory methods, results, and reporting.

Yi San Chieng
Laboratory Operations Manager
Yi San started with LabWest in 2024, and brings over 16 years of experience in running a high throughput agricultural laboratory. Yi San has a MSc and manages the operational aspects of the laboratory.

Dr Nasib Kalaei
Senior Chemist
Nasib has worked at LabWest since 2023 and oversees the analysis of high purity substances and specialised minerals testing at LabWest. Nasib has a PhD in Analytical Chemistry, from Curtin University. Nasib has experience working in many laboratories, in Australia and overseas.

Svetta Kerai
Instrument Supervisor
Svetta has worked at LabWest since 2016 and has a BE (Chem Eng). She specialises in ICP-MS and ICP-OES and oversees ICP operation, including data processing and QC.
What our Staff Say
To learn more about our services and how we can help you, contact the LabWest team today!